
Welcome to CT Eats Out: a food and travel blog by Alycia Chrosniak.

Five Things

Five Things

Five awesome things I came across on the interwebs this week. 

The World's Best Sandwiches Come From Florence | Saveur Magazine

I studied abroad in Florence and gained what we'll just call a "decent amount" of weight while living there. I mostly blame the panini. This article is spot on. 

Meet The 30 Most Influential People In Food | Adweek

Adweek named their 30 most influential people in food. The list includes everyone from chefs to journalists to Instagram stars. 

The American Way of Drinking | NY Times Magazine

What if America had a national drink? And no, not Budweiser. 

A Midwestern Baker Is Reviving A Bread That The Heartlands Haven't Made In 100 Years | Saveur Magazine

I've been on a bit of a bread kick ever since our interview and video with Todd Solek of Farm to Hearth. Ellen King of Hewn Bakery in Evanston, Illinois is baking bread made of a wheat that hasn't been grown in nearly 100 years in the Midwest. 

Infographic: The Shelf Life of Food | The Kitchn

If you've ever wondered how long you can safely eat those bananas on your counter, or if it's time to throw out that steak in your freezer, this easy chart will help. 

Five Things

Five Things

What To Cook For The Farm To Street Dinner

What To Cook For The Farm To Street Dinner